
I'm Kartik Bhargava

a programmer.

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I am an Android and Web Developer. I'm currently working as Software Engineer Intern at I ❤️ coffee and to code.

My Skills.


Design & Development

I started learning to code when I was 16 years old because I wanted to make my own applications. Over time, I have gained a wealth of experience designing and developing mobile and web applications.


Video Games

But my best skill is actually in playing FPS Games. I am the undisputed king of FPS games. Valorant and CSGO Reapers are my favourite ones.

My Projects.


Running App

  • This is an Android Application where user can track their runs on Google Map , save their run and even can see their runs sorted by data, total time, total avgerage speed and total calories Burned
  • The users can even see the statistics of his run , that is, a chart will be displayed according to his run and amout of calories burned.
  • Tech Stack :- Android Studio, MVVM Architecture, Kotlin, Google Maps, Room Library, Dagger-Hilt, BmChart, Material Design.

Furniture TryOut

  • This app is a combination of Android and AR which displays models of furniture which we want to try out in our home/office environments.
  • This app uses in-app camera to show 3D models in our home/office environments and even can record videos.
  • Tech Stack :- Android ARCore, Android Sceneform, Material Design, Firebase Storage, Android Studio, Kotlin.

News App

  • This application is built on Android JetPack components and follows MVVM Architecture where users can see latest news article, save their favourite article and even search a particular on the basis of a keyword.
  • This also fetches data from NEWS API.
  • Tech Stack :- Android Studio, Retrofilt2, Kotlin, MVVM, Room Library, Material Design.

My Work Experience.


Flic - The Wireless Smart Button.

Software Engineer Intern (05/2021 - Present)

  • Responsible for developing flic button click actions for their android app.
  • Responsible for various changes in their landing website.
  • Responsible for integrating software with hardware.


Android Developer Intern (05/2020 - 05/2021)

  • Developed a social networking app in collaboration with other team members.
  • Developed features to facilitate pet related health services and emergencies.
  • Tech Stack :- Node.js, AWS, Expo (Bare workflow), Redis, JSX, Android Studio, Mongo DB,Kotlin.

Uniworks Designs

Android Developer Intern (05/2020 - 11/2020)

  • Developed a React Native App for Construction Supervisors and Vendors.
  • Integrated Backend features with the Frontend.
  • Tech Stack :- PubNub Tracking Api, Maps SDK for Android, Places API, AWS, MySql, Node.js, React Native, JSX.

Android Developer Intern (10/2019 - 12/2019)

Get In Touch

If you love software development and playing games as much as I do.

Love programming as much as I do? Let's talk about how awesome it is! We can play games while we code!

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